Upload images

You can upload your screen images using the following methods:

  • Drag and drop
  • Choose a file 
  • Import from Dropbox
  • Create your screens with the Wireframe* feature 

*Exclusive to Pro, Team and Enterprise users

Drag and drop

  1. With your cursor, highlight and select your images from your desktop.
  2. Drag and drop to your project screen.

Choose a file

  1. From the project screen, click the button that says, + Choose file.
  2. Select your file.
  3. Press Open.

Import from Dropbox

  1. From the project screen, click the button that says, Import from Dropbox.
  2. Select your file.
  3. Press Choose.

Create your screens with the Wireframe feature

Another way to add screens is to click the Create Wireframe button. You'll be able to create and design your screens with pre-made UI elements making your work life smoother.

Adding additional screens

To add additional screens, simply click on the  + button. Once you are done, close by clicking on the x button.

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