Role permissions in an organization

When you join an organization in Prott, you'll have one of the following roles. Here's a quick overview of the roles and what you'll be able to do with each one. 


As an Admin, you are the creator of the organization which means you'll have access to all of the permissions. This means you can do the following:

  • Edit the organization settings
  • View the organization settings
  • Invite and manage members
  • Create and manage groups
  • Create and view private* projects
  • Create and edit projects
  • View and comment on projects
  • Create, edit and delete the component list

* The create and view private project function is only available for the Enterprise plan.


As a Manager, you'll have access to the following permissions:

  • View the organization settings
  • Invite and manage members
  • Create and manage groups
  • Create and edit projects
  • View and comment on projects
  • Create, edit and delete the component list


As a Leader, you'll have access to the following permissions:

  • View the organization settings
  • Create and manage groups
  • Create and edit projects
  • View and comment on projects
  • Create, edit and delete the component list


As a Member, you can do the following: 

  • View and comment on projects

For a quick summary, check the following table

Permissions Admin Manager Leader Member
Create, edit and delete the component list ×
View and comment on projects
Create and edit projects ×
Create and manage groups ×
Invite and manage members × ×
Create and view private projects × × ×
View the organization settings ×
Edit the organization settings × × ×

Role permissions in an organization

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