Important Announcement: Prott Service Termination and Future Steps

We regret to inform you that the Prott service has been discontinued as of August 31, 2024, at 23:59.

We deeply appreciate your support and usage of Prott over the years.

Please refer to the following information for future steps and contact details for any inquiries.

Q: What will happen to the fees I've already paid?

A: If you are on a paid plan, we are in the process of sending out refund information via email. Please check your inbox for details.

Q: What about my current subscription plan?

A: Payments for subscriptions after September 2024 will be automatically stopped. If you are on a paid plan, please check your email for refund details. If you haven't received an email, kindly contact us at

Q: Is it possible to get an extension of the service?

A: Unfortunately, all services will end, and we cannot offer any extensions to any user.

Q: What happens after the service ends?

A: All functionalities will be inaccessible after August 31, 2024, at 23:59.

Q: What if I need support after September 1, 2024?

A: For any issues related to the termination of Prott, please continue to contact us at

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